It HAS been a while since either of us posted here. My!
I've been off conventioning… Christy has had a lot of family needs - both good and not-so-good.
We have been writing though. Life has not entirely beaten us down!
Christy sent me a working synopsis of our new novel - outside of the Shadow Guard/Fae Sithein realm. She sent it… almost a week ago. Maybe more than a week ago.
I started reading it daily. I know the first page by heart, mostly. (It's really poetic, too! Especially for a working synopsis!) I finally finished reading it today - but did not get to add any edits or comments.
Please don't kill me, Christy? J
I get off my tutoring hours at 9PM tomorrow. Christy, if you are online, you have permission - nay - I order/beg you to get out that whip!
Yay co-author motivation!
P.S. You can post here, too, Chris ;)
Posted by
Trisha Wooldridge
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